More Swedish than me!

Interesting times these are in Sweden. We will have one of the most anticipated elections of modern times in Sweden. The people of Sweden need to understand that whatever and whoever they choose this time will set the tone for the future of Sweden. If Sweden wants to go down the path of full fledged […]

Ant and Grosshopper – Indian Version of story

Original Story: ——————- The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter. The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs dances plays the summer away. Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so […]

Of Pseudo-Seculars and xenophobes…

The below rant contains some very strong words and is not for the faint hearted! Lets start by clearing the definitions of certain words that I am going to use in my article. – Xenophobe: Xenophobia is a dislike or fear of people from other countries or of that which is perceived to be foreign […]

Anna & Team – Caught and in Tihar Jail

In the latest developments in India, Anna and team are put behind bars on 16th August, 2011. There has been a huge uproar in the nation and across the media. The irony being pointed out that Anna and team (completely clean and non-corrupt people) are put in same jails as their corrupt counterparts (Raja and […]